
Showing posts from March, 2021

You have Choices by Alicia Briscoe

  Fruitful Thought: Have you considered that you have choices and you can change your choices? Yes, that's right I said you can change your choices at any time. Let me just explain what I mean. God has given us free will which in turn means we can choose right or wrong, good or bad, positive or negative you get where I'm going. Well when we have been living life on our own terms and it doesn't seem to be going well. We can change the choices we have in our lives to something more beneficial and rewarding. God said in Deuteronomy 30:19 that life and death, blessings and curses have been set before us. Then he encourages us to choose life! He also told us in John 10:10 the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. So I want to encourage you to choose life, choose God! It is not too late, it don't matter what you've done he is waiting for you with open arms. You can change your choice from your will to God's will for you life! Remember good choices result in

Forgiveness by Alicia Briscoe

  Fruitful Thought: Do you forgive right away? Do you ask for forgiveness when you have wronged someone? If you are are like me forgiveness is a constant process. Sometimes I am able to forgive right away sometimes I am not. Also, I have asked for forgiveness many times and probably will many more during my lifetime. The world says that to forgive but not forget or I forgive you but I am going to keep you at a distance. I adopted these sayings for most of my life. But God, when I developed a relationship with God I learned a lot about forgiveness. I learned that forgiveness is both for me and the other person involved. See forgiveness is a burden that keeps us in bondage, creates a harden heart and hinders our relationship with God. It is a stronghold and a weapon the enemy uses to cause division in our relationships. The Bible teaches us that we are redeemed through His blood, forgiveness of sins (Colossians 1:14), we are blessed when we are forgiven of our sins (Psalm 32:1), a

Why is it difficult to Trust God? by Alicia Briscoe

Fruitful Thought: Have you considered why it is difficult to Trust God? I believe this is due to our relationship with people. We tend to compare how our spiritual relationship with God is going to be or not based on our natural relationships. If you are like me you may struggle with trust. The dictionary describes "Trust" as a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. You may have been taught to trust people like me. If so, that trust may have been broken in some form or fashion in life. It may have occurred in your childhood with an adult taking advantage of you sexually and you don't know what to do or who you can trust to tell. It may be that parent that didn't show up at your games to support or cheer you on. It may be that bestfriend that you shared a secret with and they shared it with others. Whatever the case may be your trust was broken. The more your trust is broken the harder it is for you to trust. I