Relationship – True Friendship by Alicia Briscoe

 I realized at an early age that friendship is valuable.  I understood that although you encounter many people that you may enjoy being around, that does not constitute them as friends.  I am cautious of calling people my friend.  I like to think I choose my friends wisely.  Often I would say, “I have many acquaintances but few friends”.    What about you?  Do you consider everyone you meet your friend?  Is there a criteria one must meet to be your friend?  How do you identify true friendship?

Friendship is a reciprocal relationship characterized by intimacy, faithfulness, trust, unmotivated kindness and service. (Theological Workbook)

These are the characteristics that I look for when choosing friends. But for true friendship my expectation is more specific to include loyalty, honesty, wisdom and love.  Like expressed throughout Proverbs.

Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers.
~ Proverbs 18:24

Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
~ Proverbs 13:20

An honest answer is the sign of true friendship.
~ Proverbs 24:26

Friends always show their love. What are brothers for if not to share troubles?
~ Proverbs 17:17

Thus far I have been blessed to have two true friendships in my life one being my husband.  True friendship is a rare and precious gift that is hard to find.  It requires being intentional about investing in one another no matter what challenges may occur.  True friendship takes effort and is not for the faint at heart.   

Remember, true friendship can be frustrating, and cost time and effort.  Also, it can be a source of encouragement and comfort.  True Friendship is a priceless gift of God.



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