Break Free of Insecurity – by Alicia Briscoe

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; Proverbs 3:5

This scripture is extremely popular and is quoted a lot. I wonder how many of us realize that we need to take heed to it. I believe God has given us keys throughout scripture to escape and break free from sin. This is one of those keys to breaking free of insecurity. To break free of something you must acknowledge it and its bondage.

According to the dictionary “Insecurity” is defined as uncertainty or anxiety about oneself, lack of confidence. The bible defines “Insecurity” as lacking confidence or assurance, self-doubt. Insecurity is also a sin because it is rooted in fear. Fear of rejection, and fear of what others think of you. Fear is a spirit and a sin. It did not come from God, and it is against what he commanded us to obey. (2 Timothy 1:7 & Isaiah 35:4) I defined insecurity as listening or thinking you are not worthy, loved, or enough; questioning your value and believing the lies of the enemy.

I was trapped in my mind with rejection, trust issues, and what others thought of me. I never equated this as being a prisoner of insecurity. Not to mention that it was a sin. I began transformation by renewing my mind and the desire to be free of insecurity was clear. I explored a few ways to break free of insecurity like not justifying it, allowing myself to be vulnerable, stop comparing myself to others, searched Gods word for my identity and acknowledge the root of my insecurity went back to my childhood. I continue to work on myself with God and a faith based licensed therapist.

I want to encourage you to make the decision to break free of the sin of insecurity by confessing (1 John 1:9) and casting it on God (Psalm 55:22). Listen to God’s voice, trust Him, stop depending on your own understanding and you will break free from insecurity!

“We’re going to have to let truth scream louder to our souls than the lies that have infected us.” ~ Beth Moore


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