Gratitude to the Giver by Alicia Briscoe

 All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 4:15

As I celebrated my husband's 60th birthday with family and friends, a spirit of gratefulness filled my heart. It was so amazing to see everyone so excited to celebrate a person who loves people and loves encouraging them. I call him my “social butterfly” because he sows seed in everyone he meets and at times God allow him to receive a harvest of seeing or hearing the impact it may have had in their lives. This was one of those days.

I refer to my husband as my good and perfect gift from God. I am so grateful that God chose me to do life with such an amazing spirit-man. My heart was overflowing with gratitude towards God for choosing to give me such a special gift of a spirit filled man that represent Gods character in every encounter he is afforded. I know the word of God say’s a man finds a wife, but God leads and guides the man’s heart to a certain woman.

Gratitude has a deeper meaning than mere thanks. We say thanks all the time without even thinking about it or putting any effort. Like, we say thank you to someone who opens a door for us, thanks to a friend who gives us something, or thanks to the cashier at the checkout. Though “thanks” may be sincere in expression, it is often the mannerly response to ordinary acts. Gratitude is so much more and suggests a deeper feeling of inner delight that rises unforced from the heart. Not always a verbal response, but an emotional outpouring.

Remember, Gratitude is the feeling of joy that rises in one’s heart when thinking about the giver, not the gift. The doer, not the deed. The actor, not the act. Psalm 9:1 reminds us of this; I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.


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