A Generous Mindset by Milo Briscoe

 But generous people plan to do what is generous, and they stand firm in their generosity. Isaiah 32:8 NLT.

This verse is part of a comparison of mindsets (character) within the chapter. The previous verses in the chapter talk about fools speaking foolishness and making evil plans. Also, how they practice ungodliness and spread false teachings about the Lord.

But the generous, some versions use the word noble, people plan to do what is generous or noble. Generous people think about being generous. They look for opportunities to bless others. How can I make someone else’s life better? It’s not self-serving. Unlike the persons in the previous verses who plan foolishness and spread false teachings about the Lord. Planning to bring deception into the lives of others.

The second part of that verse says, “they stand firm in their generosity.” Generous people do not waver and are not moved by what others may think or say, and they have a made-up mind. This is important because people who do not understand your generosity can become a deterrent. Criticizing or even trying to discourage you from being a blessing in someone’s life.

My wife is like this person talked about in the verse. She thinks about how she can show generosity to others. It’s constantly on her mind, she can’t help herself. There have been times I would tell her she’s doing too much, but that doesn’t slow her down. She is determined, standing firm, to what she had planned.

That’s how God wants us to be. He’s the example of generosity. He loved us so much that He gave His Son that none of us would perish, John 3:16. His mercies are new every morning Lamentations 3:23. Generosity is a part of His character, and as His children, it should be a part of ours. Let’s plan to be generous and not be moved by anything or anyone that may try to discourage us.


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