God’s Greatest Gift by Alicia Briscoe
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 What is the greatest gift you received from God? I’m sure you are like me; you can’t just name one because God gives the greatest gifts. From the beginning, God proved himself generous by creating us in His likeness and image along with a world of abundance. Although we may have a list of answers for this question, we all would say “The greatest gift God gave to us was Himself.” God’s example of generosity so selfless, an act in human history so important: Jesus’ died on the cross for us, what love. There is nothing in the world more important than the unity of people and God, bringing eternal abundant life and promising that we are never alone. Sometimes we do not honor God as we should, in his unbounded generosity, he gave his best and most valuable, the only thing he had only one of – his Son. Instead of aba...